Thursday, December 13, 2007


I've been pretty busy with life lately, haven't been able to pay as much attention to this kind of stuff as I would have liked.

Long story short, I took too many credits. Pretty sure I failed the math class I needed to get into the next class (no worries, there's a way around it that involves the exact same amount of work and will probably end up being easier on me).

I did give up on the long addition program after making a little more headway. Turns out that the end of line marker flipped out when the string was full, so I needed to call the skip_line function. That was all I got before giving up on it though, because the next project was much more difficult. The final project of the class was to read in an external file containing a partially completed Sudoku puzzle and solve it with algorithms.

Sounds fun, but I couldn't even read in the external file and so Me => Not turning it in. I skipped the study sessions because I wanted to get it by myself. A bad idea in retrospect and hopefully it doesn't drop my grade so low I can't move on. That would be discouraging enough to have to drop CS as a major (which doesn't leave me with a whole lot of options incidentally).

Oh well though. Somehow I don't think a 10-week course on a new (and basically first) programming language can cover enough about file i/o and multidimensional arrays (and the manipulation thereof) well enough to solve this problem. The study guides I skipped out on were provided by a student who probably wasn't new to programming (or Ada) so I am confident that without his help at least 50% of the class is with me. Still kicking myself for skipping, but oh well.

Next quarter will be much more focused for me: one math class and two CS classes (computer organization and programming II (with more Ada)). Basically this just means I won't have to write a paper all quarter. Fucking awesome.

In other news, I downloaded Visual Studio 2008 from the CS MSDN and I plan to finish my "Learn Visual C# in 24 Hours" book over Winter break. I'm only a chapter in but I can already tell that if I (God willing) stick with this, I'll learn a lot about the .NET framework and object-oriented programming. Plus it's a C derivative, which should be fun.

That's it for now, just keeping my fingers crossed for my final grades.

1 comment:

Mitch Klein said...

Good luck with next quarter.

And you've been tagged!