Wednesday, September 19, 2007

CSCI 141

I really thought I'd update this more often, but I really haven't done anything lately.

At all.

Anyway, I'm finally on my way to becoming a CSCI major since I emailed the professor and pleaded with him to drop the math prereq for the class I wanted (which is bullshit anyway, I've taken enough math to get in a calc class). The condition is that I have to go to every lecture and lab, but I kinda had my heart set on that anyway.

The class uses Ada95 to teach the basic concepts of OOP programming. I'm not too thrilled about having a new language crammed down my throat in a ten-week course, but I do feel ready for it. Apparently they used to use C++ for the class, but I think it was probably too sink or swim for the majority of students.

I'm just hoping I don't get a bunch of people in my class who think CSCI is for them because they're good at the Internet. I hear stories about people failing CSCI classes all the time, and I'm hoping that's the reason why.

I don't really know what I would do if I couldn't make it through, so let's hope this works out.

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