Monday, August 20, 2007

First Post

Well, I may as well start with who I am and what this is.

My name's Andy, and I live and attend college here in Washington state. Just got back from my first quarter of college (not year, but that's a long story) and I'm living with my sister and her fiancé until school starts back up in late September. I work part/full/over time at a pathology lab, mostly in cytology but I have a reputation for doing whatever for whomever. I'm hoping to study computer science and German at college, but I've gotten so used to my plans being changed that I refrain from stating them aloud anymore.

Anyway, I am an amateur at this whole computer thing and I'm hoping to transcribe my exploits and keep tabs on my progress. Despite the fact that people seem to think that I'm a computer genius, I consider myself an amateur because I understand that there's a lot to this that at this point is far beyond me. But, for the time being, I'm determined to keep learning (read: spending money, getting frustrated, and breaking shit).

I intend to use this blog to write reviews of hardware/software that I own and use, along with thoughts in general. Unfortunately for you, this means that you just might get some personal life rants mixed in with the rest of it. Don't worry, I will try to make this legible for people who don't have the same neurotic passion for this sort of thing as I do. I imagine this won't be difficult, seeing as I've already stated that I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to a lot of this stuff. We're hoping that changes eventually, but who knows?

Shut up, I thought it was a cool idea.


Stewie said...

If I could give you just one recommendation, it will be to get a broken ass PC that runs, and destroy it and destroy it and destroy it.

Either that or set up a virtual PC on your lap/desktop.

Always try to avoid installing new shit on your primary PC.

Stewie said...